Microchipping your pet is a permanent identification. The chip has no battery or internal power source so it lasts for the life of your pet. The microchip is read by passing a scanner over the pet’s skin. The scanner puts out a low radio frequency which provides the power required to transmit the pet’s identification number to the scanner.

Scanning for a microchip.
We use HomeAgain Microchips which come with the first year’s membership. Membership includes a National Pet Recovery Database, lost pet specialists to consult with, rapid lost pet alerts, a 24/7 pet medical emergency hotline and “found pet” financial travel assistance.
All animal shelters and most veterinarians are equipped with microchip scanners and since pets often lose collars and tags microchips, without question, give lost pets the best chance to be reunited with their family.
We have a number of wonderful stories of clients who have lost pets and had them recovered because the pet had a microchip. The most heartwarming stories include a German Shepherd who fell into Fullerton creek during a rainstorm and was swept away. She was recovered two months later in Cerritos. Quite a long swim to get from Fullerton to Cerritos! Another story with a happy ending was a pet that disappeared from the owner’s yard and was recovered four years later in Nevada. One more great story is the little Schnauzer puppy who was stolen and recovered two years later when the Orange County Animal Shelter impounded the dog, did a scan and returned the dog to the rightful owner.