Another “Big Deal” at SunnycrestMay 2, 2018

Another “big deal” at Sunnycrest! Congratulate Felice Cohen on completing her Registered Veterinary Technician program and passing the R.V.T. test on her first try. Felice is already an “ace” veterinary technician and it’s great to have the State of California recognize her abilities and accomplishments.
Kudos to Kevin!April 17, 2018

Congratulations to our Veterinary Assistant, Kevin Li.! Kevin was accepted to not one, not two, but three veterinary colleges. Western University College of Veterinary Medicine, Midwestern College of Veterinary Medicine, and Ross University Veterinary School. That may be a record for the number of veterinary colleges accepting one of our techs or assistants.Kevin is a great Veterinary Assistant with excellent nursing skills and will be a superb veterinarian. Kevin chose Western University College of Veterinary Medicine … maybe he will.. Read more »
Meet Dr. Dr. Nancy LefavourApril 1, 2018

We are happy to introduce you to the new veterinarian on our staff, Dr. Nancy Lefavour. Dr. Lefavour grew up in central New Jersey in a pet-loving family, She was surrounded by many pets from a young age (dogs, cats, parakeets, gerbils, hamsters, etc.). And as a teenage horse nut, her parents were wonderful enough to pay for weekly horse-back riding lessons! She pursued her love for animals at Cornell University with a degree in Animal Science (2002), then spent.. Read more »
Sunnycrest Annual Dental Awareness DiscountJanuary 17, 2018

The Dental Discount will be available from now until March 15, 2018. We are setting aside appointment time for free dental checks by one of our technicians if you are unsure whether or not your pet needs a dental cleaning. There will be absolutely no charge to have the technician check your pet’s teeth and let you know if they need attention. You can also check yourself. If the teeth are not “pearly white”, they probably need cleaning. If you are not.. Read more »
Canine Influenza AlertJanuary 14, 2018
Both strains of Canine Influenza have been reported in our area. We have a vaccine to help prevent both strains of this virus. Call us for more information
A Big Thank You To Our Clients For Supporting The Animal Health Foundation!January 13, 2018
It is time to thank the many clients who have helped support the Animal Health Foundation’s diverse projects to help pets, wildlife, and people. The foundation’s latest project is to provide veterinary care for pets belonging to the homeless in Orange County. One of our very generous clients has sponsored five of these monthly clinics. That donation along with many smaller donations support many of the foundation’s worthy projects.
Need a quick way to find your way around our website?January 12, 2018
It’s easy to find your way around the Sunnycrest Animal Care Website using the menus or going directly to our sitemap.
Looking for our sitemap?January 12, 2018
If you are looking for our sitemap you can find it right here!
Do You Know How Old Your Dog is in Human Years?January 2, 2018
When it comes to a dog’s age in human years most people think that one year in a dog’s life is equal to seven years in a human’s life. The calculation isn’t that simple. If you would like to know more about this subject we have a great video on our website you can view for more information.
Did Your Pet Eat Pot? We Can Help!January 2, 2018
Now that recreational Marijuana is legal in California we will probably see more cases of Marijuana intoxication in dogs. If you are a Cannabis user please keep your edibles in a place where your dogs (and children) won’t find them. For more information about Marijuana intoxication click here.