Sunnycrest COVID-19 Procedure ChangesMarch 30, 2020
We would like to thank our clients for the understanding and patience over the past month. We appreciate the thank you notes some of you have sent us and the good reviews on social media. As we continue to see the unprecedented impacts of COVID-19 across the globe, we wanted to take a moment to update you on how we are adjusting our clinic’s practices to support our patients’ veterinary needs. The health and safety of our patients, clients and.. Read more »
Sharing the latest info from the American Veterinary Medical Association regarding the new Coronavirus in pets.March 4, 2020
Coronavirus: What we know as it relates to pets (from the AVMA) … We are actively monitoring developments related to animals and the virus. On Thursday, February 27, a dog in Hong Kong tested “weak positive” for coronavirus (the owner tested positive for coronavirus). The dog has since received a second positive result that has been sent to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), which is working with Hong Kong health officials on this case. The precise meaning of.. Read more »
Human Coronavirus In DogsFebruary 29, 2020
COVID-19 virus in a dog? By Scott Weese on February 28, 2020 POSTED IN DOGS A report from Hong Kong indicates that a dog has tested “weak positive” for the COVID-19 virus. The dog was tested because its owner has COVID-19, not because the dog was showing any signs of illness. Testing of pets is not routine in most areas, but it’s good to see it being considered and investigated. However, we need to sort out what this test result actually means. The test.. Read more »
Is Your Pet Coughing? We Can Help!May 27, 2019

Don’t Ignore That Cough! There are numerous causes of coughing including: Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitos. Monthly medication or an injection that lasts 6 months can prevent this devastating disease. If a pet gets heartworms the treatment is very expensive and is risky for your pet. Yeast and other fungi can be picked up in dirt or through the air. Valley Fever (Coccidioides) is common in the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico. Distemper is caused by an air-borne virus.. Read more »
Is Your Pet Vomiting? We Can Help!May 17, 2019

Vomiting can be a sign of a serious problem such as … Bacterial or viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract Diet-related causes such as a diet change, eating garbage or food allergy/intolerance Foreign bodies Parasites Kidney failure Liver failure or gall bladder problems Pancreatitis Eating something toxic Bloat Certain medications or anesthetic agents Heatstroke Infected uterus If your pet is vomiting, call us for help.
Ear Infection?? We Can Help!May 15, 2019
If your pet … Is scratching the ear or area around the ear or Has a brown, yellow, or bloody discharge from the ear or Has an odor in the ear or Has Redness Swelling Crusts or scabs on inside of the outer ear or Has hair loss around the ear or Is rubbing of the ear and surrounding area on the floor or furniture or Is head shaking or a head tilt or Has a loss of balance or.. Read more »
New Mosquito Carries Deadly HeartwormsMay 12, 2019

Have you noticed the signs posted around North Orange County about the new species of mosquitoes found recently in the area or heard something on the news? These mosquitoes called Aedes aegypti, are a new arrival and thrive year-round in our area. In addition to the many human diseases that these mosquitoes spread, they also pose a health risk to our pets by spreading Heartworm Disease. Heartworm disease is a potentially fatal disease that allows long white worms to take up residence.. Read more »
Is Your Pet Slowing Down? We Can Help!February 25, 2019

A Helpful Message from Dr. Nancy Lefavour … Arthritic Pain May Be The Cause for your pet’s “slowdown” … Often when we ask our clients how their older pets are faring, we hear the phrase “she’s slowing down, Doc” with an air of resignation. A large number of geriatric pets struggle daily with stiff joints and arthritis. What many pet owners don’t realize is that we can actually do something to help slow down the slowing down! There are many options available.. Read more »
Foxtail Problem? We Can Help!May 17, 2018

Foxtail season in Southern California has arrived. We see a dramatic increase in problems caused by foxtails in dogs and cats during the summer and fall months. Foxtail problems are very common in Southern California. Foxtails can cause serious infections for your animals and in some cases if not properly treated can result in death. Prevention and early detection can minimize the discomfort experienced by your pet. What are Foxtails? Foxtails are the seeds of native and imported grasses. The.. Read more »
Don’t Let Heat Stroke Kill Your Pet!!May 10, 2018

Summer is here! It is time for fun in the sun. Before heading out to the beach or a hike on some of our beautiful Fullerton trails, it is important to understand how our warm weather can affect the health of your pets. Every summer we post a warning about heat stroke, which always emphasizes not leaving pets and children unattended in cars. In spite of our efforts, every summer we see pets die from heatstroke. Leaving a pet in.. Read more »